Thursday, 5 May 2016

2016 Holiday Day 1 to 5

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Day 1 – Bathurst to Hay

Today was basically just a driving day to get us to Hay. No tourist stuff planned.
Left Bathurst at 7:30, Grenfell for morning tea. The weather was variable all day.  


 Rankin Springs for lunch. Nowhere as green as last time we came through 2 years ago. Tested the cruise control on the car today, Joy could get used to it but Les prefers to give it a miss. We worked out it does use more fuel on cruise control. Arrived at Hay and booked in to motel at 3:00. Took a walk down the main street to the river and the Bidgee River Walk which included sculptures, about 3 km in total.

Main street of Hay, but it was Sunday afternoon!!!
Hay River Walk

Hay River Walk

Hay River Walk

Day 2 – Hay to Renmark

Woke to beautiful sunny day, with some high cloud. Today was another day of driving and more driving. Crossed the Hay Plain, which is very flat and has lots of straight roads. Saw lots of roadkill inc kangaroos, echidnas, birds, fox and unknown (also known as “Flat as!!”) There were rows and rows of the enormous round bales of cotton lined up in the paddock at Hell’s Gate. Also were passed by Western Sydney Wanderers supporters heading back from Adelaide (A League Soccer. They lost 3-1)
Stopped at “Riverbend” at Balranald for morning tea sitting by the Murrumbidgee River. 

Back to the info centre and has a look at some sculptures and got brochures on things in the area to add to the bucket list. 

Metalwork at Balranald Info Centre

On to Mildura for lunch and by now the wind has picked up, but not as bad as 2 years ago when we were here last! Had lunch in the park beside the Murray River at Mildura. The bread rolls and Vegemite.

Then off to Renmark where we arrived at about 2:40 (SA time) and booked into our cabin. We had exactly the same cabin as 2 years ago which the woman said was unusual as they have over 60 cabins but since we picked the same style of cabin which they only have a few off, not as fluky as thought. After unpacking, into town to do the shopping for the next 3 days. Did a short walk along the river (about 1 km return) and then sat and watched the sun set over the river with pre-dinner chips and drinks.

Sunset Photos on the Murray River:

Day 3 – Renmark to Wirrabara

We woke to a windy day but mostly sunny (to start off with anyway). A major “weather incident” is due to hit with wind and rain.
Stopped at “Kings River Side” near Cadell on the banks of the Murray River for morning tea. Very windy by now and the clouds are heading our way. Very nice picnic and camping ground with proper flush toilet (not common in these free camping areas). Great river cliff and green grass.

Kings River Side

From Cadell to Morgan and on towards Burra and the weather is turning for the worst. Windy overcast and occasional showers and dust. Bundaleer Forest for lunch where we arrived at 12:35. Had cuppa-soup and bread roll for lunch in a fairly sheltered picnic area. We then did a 1 km walk through the forest and looked at the sculptures and old buildings. 

This Sculpture in the Forest thing is becoming a regular occurrence!! Road kill for today included wombat and cat!
We took the first detour from the original route today with a short detour to a place called Tarcowie. Les has a book (which was given to his parents) called “Stagg of Tarcowie” which is the diary of a teenager living here (who’s surname was Stagg!!). The original house and yards are here although not in very good condition. Not signposted or anything but Google helped Les find it just before we left home. Since we did a “Les” thing next was a “Joy” thing and we stopped at Wirrabara Craft Shop which is run by local volunteers. Population of town and area 280 and they have about 100 member/volunteers!!!. We brought a metal bee for the yard and some lime juice cordial. Also discovered how to correctly pronounce Wirrabara – not “we’re-a-burra” but “we’re-a(as in hat)-burr-u(as in cup)”.
On to Taralee Orchard, at Wirrabara right next to the forest and have our cuppas in the comfort of Ruby Cottage.

Day 4 – Rest Day - Wirrabara

Rest day today so slept in a bit. Did a load of washing but weather not the best for drying so it is on the airer. Scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. Caught up on photos and diary/blog. After lunch went for a drive to the King Tree. Arrived at the car park and started the walk came to this sign and Yes!!! we took the wrong track!!! 

Yes.... we took the wrong track!!!!

After getting to the road at the other end came back and took the other track and within 50 metres found the tree. 

The sign explaining why it is important has been stolen so cannot say why it is. Then drove towards Sugar Gum Walk. The road got closer to a track and we came across a forest worker and he said technically the road and walk was still closed after fires in 2014 but we could go through. The track got worse and we eventually passed the start of the walk but decided against it as the damage from the fire was too great. All the trees had been knocked down and pushed into rows. The fire was a massive fire and lasted 1 month before eventually being extinguished by rain that caused floods! Back to the cottage for afternoon tea and then cheese and biscuits.

Day 5 – Wirrabara to Coober Pedy

An early start today as we have a long way to go. 660 km!!! Left the cottage at 7:45 and headed back to Wirrabara and then through the Gorge on the Port Germein Road. This road was closed when we were here in 2014 because of the fires and we could see why. Beautiful gorge and certainly worth another visit. Maybe we can do it again when we go from Port Augusta to Broken Hill in about 45 days!! Will have to check out the options.

Stopped in Port Augusta for fuel before heading into the real outback! 

When we passed the entrance to the Arid Gardens we were on new roads for Joy who has never been north of Port Augusta before. Morning tea was at Range View rest area and the temperature is already 23 degrees at 10:30. Great views across the plains to the ranges in the distance. Saw a mine train in the distance. 

On past Pimba to lunch at Lake Hart rest area where we were inundated by flies!! Great views across the salt lake – 26 degrees.

Was a great view until someone parked in front of us!!! Parking area was about the size of 3 football fields and they parked there and went for a walk!!!!!

Exercise Time!!!

Had afternoon tea at Bon Bon rest area and it is now 31 degrees and some cloud. The scenery keeps changing and we have had bush, barren, sandy, rocky and everything in between. We have even had overtaking lanes as there are some hills out here. The mad drivers were out today with some overtaking (or trying to) on blind bends.

Roadkill list now increased to include sheep and cattle. I’d like to see the damage a cow would do to the vehicle that hit it, as long as it wasn’t our vehicle.
The last 100 km to Coober Pedy is fairly barren but started seeing signs of mining along the way.

Arrived at Coober Pedy about 5:00 and after going to wrong motel arrived and unpacked. Quick trip to IGA supermarket and back for cheese and biscuits.

Staying underground in apartment. Very interesting.


  1. We followed a very similar trail in 2011. Some people think there is nothing there! They could not be more wrong. Its a fascinating part of Australia. Keep safe! Rgds DesB

  2. Hey, really enjoyed your diary entries. And absolutely loved your photos. Hope you're having a great time and enjoy the next leg of your trip.

  3. Great blog again Joy and Les. I love all the sculptures in Hay along the river - we have had many a breakfast there on the way west over the last few years - and they make a lovely walk even more interesting. Re roadkill and what it does to a car - last time we were in Renmark someone in a car smaller than yours hit an emu as it came out of the scrub near the river. Luckily no people were hurt but car was a write-off and the emu was killed which was very sad. Looking forward to the next installment - safe travels:)
