Friday, 26 August 2011

Day 20 to 25

Day 20 Yungaburra.          28 km
What a difference a day makes – it was actually cold during the night, and this morning, even though it was a beautiful, sunny day, it was quite pleasant instead of being humid.
Today was planned as a rest day, so we had a lovely sleep in, and were only just finishing breakfast at 10am. Then it was time for the chores – laundry. We don’t have a laundry here at the cottage, so it was over to the Laundromat. It took 30mins for the wash cycle, so we took the opportunity to try one of the (many) coffee shops in the village. Then it was back to the cottage to get the next blog entry ready, so when we get access to the internet, all we will have to do is load it.
After lunch, Les did the ironing (a man’s work is never done) while Joy did a crossword.
Where we are staying in Yungaburra doesn’t have internet access – we don’t even have mobile phone coverage! Anyway, we never thought we’d say it, but thank goodness for McDonalds – they have free wifi internet. So mid-afternoon we went in to Atherton to Macca’s. Joy didn’t think it was right to just use the internet without buying something, so she had a coffee – what a hardship. Actually, the coffee wasn’t too bad (it was a McCafe), but Les’ smoothie was pretty awful.
On the way back to Yungaburra, we did a lap of the main street of Atherton, so Joy could check out the pub where her brother Steven lived for 6 months way back in 1985, when he was working prospecting for CSR, during his gap year.
Before we knew it, it was time to go platypus-spotting again. But this time we did a walk around the village first – approx.  4km in total once we got back to the cottage. The village has a few historical things, one being the old railway. The tracks are no longer there, but the bridge is.

We also checked out the rest of the creek through the town – the one with the platypus in it. It’s quite a pretty creek.

Once again we were successful in spotting a few platypus – at least 3 this time. Unfortunately, since the platypus only come out at dusk, there isn’t much light, and the camera doesn’t deal with this very well – result being very average (if that) photos. It does take good sunset photos though.

We left for our walk at around 4:30pm, and got back to the cottage around 6:30pm. Tea of sausages and vegies.
Day 21 Chillagoe       393 km
Woke early to the sound of Joy’s Travel clock as there is no clock / clock radio in the cottage. We had to be up early as we needed to get going by 8:00. The weather is cool and there are a few clouds around, some with grey bottoms.
On the road at 7:55 and once out of Yungaburra the clouds cleared and we have brilliant sunny weather again (sounds like a broken record but Mareeba which is just up the road gets 300 sunny days per year!!). Quick stop in Mareeba to buy the Sunday paper so we can get the TV guide and see what is happening in the world (or Qld at least). At Mareeba we turn off to the left on to what is called the “Wheelbarrow Way” .

This is because the miners used to walk to the mines along this road pushing their wheelbarrows with their supplies and equipment. Along the way we passed sugar cane, coffee, mangoes and other plantations which we are not sure of. Eventually the scenery changed and we are in the “outback”. Rugged ranges, spare trees, dry creek beds, etc.
Arrived at Chillagoe at 10:20 and purchased the tickets for the cave tour of the “Trezkinn Cave”. The cave was discovered by 2 men and they named it by taking the first four letters of their surname i.e. Trez and Kinn. We made our way to the car park for the walk and had a quick cuppa and then walked to the cave entrance, which actually was a climb to the top of the range. The tour started at 11:00 and we descended via steep steps into a wonderful cave. It has walkways and is lit up as you walk through. Lots of photos but we have to remember to take the tripod next time as the shots without the flash are a bit blurry. The most spectacular aspect of the cave is what they call the chandelier.

The tour finished at 11:55 and after waiting a while (as most people were going to go to the same place) we moved on to the “Balancing Rock”.

The rock formations are spectacular and well worth the drive to get to Chillagoe (mostly good/very good tar with a small amount of good gravel).
Then a quick drive through the old smelter site and down to a picnic spot on the creek for lunch.

While we were having lunch 2 aboriginal boys came up the creek with a spear (the modern type used in spear fishing) but they had not caught anything. Must be some deep holes further down as there would be no fish where we were.

Finished lunch at 1:35 and headed back home passing the Lappa pub. The unique thing about this pub is it is a BYO!!!
Arrived back at the cottage at 4:55 and decided that we would give the platypus viewing a miss tonight as we have had a long day.
Day 22 Mareeba & Coffee Tour       180 km
No alarm clock this morning as we did not have to be on the road so early. Again it was a bit cloudy but today the cloud hung around for most of the day but was still fine but a bit cool with a cool breeze blowing.
Today is a touring/touristy day and we started by visiting the Curtain Fig which is just up the road.

This is a very impressive strangler fig and is a must see for anyone visiting this area. Photos do not do it justice. After this we headed into Atherton and up to Halloran’s Hill for a truly panoramic view across the surrounding country side. It is easy to see the farms and different crops being grown in the area.

From here we headed north stopping at Tolga Woodworks in the town of Tolga. Having visited several “woodworks” on our many trips we were a bit “ho-hum”  about another woodworks but there are many true works of art in this gallery (and have a price tag to match with some items over the $7,000 mark). There was one woodwork that included 2011 individually carved/turned grains of rice made from about 20 different types of timber!!!!
Had a quick stop at Mareeba to post some cards and when Joy was in the Post Office a man standing next to her was leaning over checking how she was addressing the envelope. He apologised but explained had never addressed a letter before and needed to know how to set out the address!!! Morning tea in the park and then to Jaques Coffee for a tour. The tour was very (very) basic and the only redeeming feature of the $15 pp cost was an informative video and Joy got a free cappuccino and Les a free can of drink(would not recommend this tour. There are other options that may be better). As the café was extremely basic we decided to go to the Mareeba Wetlands Café and after the ½ hour drive found that café was about as basic as well. Joy had the last quiche with salad and Les had a pie and sausage roll on the deck overlooking the wetlands. We also got to see baby swallows in their nest.
By now it was almost 2:30 so off to Granite Gorge to see and feed the rock wallabies. We were told the best time is between 2:00 and 4:00 but I somehow think any time during the cooler months would still see the wallabies come running when you have food for them.

We decided on the long walk but did not realise just how rough the going was going to get with rock hopping, scrambling, sliding, etc which meant the 2 km ‘walk’ took about 1 hr 40 minutes. Having said that the rock formations are great and well worth a look.

Arrived back to the cottage at 5:30 so again gave the Platypus viewing a miss and had a candle light spa before tea.
Day 23 Waterfall Circuit and Nerada Tea Factory Tour       175 km
Well today is one of the days that Les has been really looking forward to…. Waterfalls!!!
Normal rise to try and get away by 9:00 and we made it with an 8:45 departure. Stopped just out of town where there is a paddock that has had Brolgas or similar birds each morning. When we stopped we were also in mobile range and got our messages.

Into Atherton (yes we are getting to know this road quite well) for fuel and fresh bread rolls for lunch. The next stop is Mt Hypipamee National Park to look at the crater . This was created when gas escaped from a volcano. Very steep and very deep. We walked back via Dinner Falls, the first of many falls for the day. The walk to the falls required an uphill walk out and the muscles are starting to ache following the scrambling from yesterday.

Les is in his prime with his camera and tripod!!!!
From here to Millaa Millaa via the lookout

and then the Millaa Millaa falls for morning tea. Les forgot to take the tripod so after morning tea it was back to the car park for Les to get the tripod. This waterfall is very popular and to get a good shot without people standing in front of it took a fair bit of patience especially as there were 2 mini coaches arrived while we were there but Les’ patience paid off.

Millaa Millaa Falls is the first of 3 waterfalls on the circuit road. The next was Zillie Falls which can only be viewed from the top and was average and then Ellinjaa Falls which can only be viewed from the bottom (71 steps down and surprisingly the same back up!). These are also only average falls. As the day is sunny Les cannot get the nice flowing water type shots he is after but that is the price you pay for having fine (but cool) weather.

The next stop was Mungalli Creek Bio-Dynamic Dairy which was basically a café with a view of the machinery through glass windows but at the time we were there they were cleaning so onward to Mungalli Creek Falls which are the only world heritage listed falls on freehold land. Photos from the top and of the cascades but as it was 35 minutes return to the lower falls and we had not had lunch we gave this walk a miss and went to Millaa Millaa township for lunch in the park in the Lions Club picnic shelter..
At 2:10 we left Millaa Millaa and on to Malanda and the Nerada Tea plantation and factory. We had a tour of the farm and then the factory and while they were not actually processing we got to see all the machines and the end product (as well as the starting product).

After the tour had Devonshire Tea with Joy having normal ‘Black Leaf Tea’ (factory fresh) and Les having ‘Decaffeinated Green Tea’ . At Malanda they only make the black tea. Basically ‘White Tea’ is made from the leaf buds and has to be hand-picked, ‘Green Tea’ is made from the leaf buds and leaves and is ‘cooked/steamed’ to stop an enzyme which would normally make it go brown, ‘Black tea’ is the same as Green Tea but it has been left to allow the enzyme to react with the air after picking and it turns brown. After the tea has been processed here it is used for Tea Bags and the larger pieces are used as loose leaf tea but as the machines are set to make the ‘tea bag’ tea it is much finer than tea that is specifically cut for use as loose leaf tea.
Arrived back at the cottage at 4:30 for a bit of a rest before heading down to the Pub for dinner.
Day 24 Malanda       50 km
As both of us are a bit off colour this morning we decided to swap today and tomorrow itinerary.
This morning Joy went and did the washing, little bit of grocery shopping and checked out some of the shops in town. Lunch was at the cottage and then we headed to Malanda to check out Malanda Falls and took photos with the Kids at the falls.

From here we headed into town and walked around looking at the Malanda Mosaics which are attached to various buildings in town.
Next stop was at the Malanda Dairy Centre where Les tried  his hand at a new profession but decided to give it a miss.

Next stop was at McDonalds in Atherton to load up the blog and check emails but the internet was not working and they also had no thickshakes (still!!)
Back to the cottage and walked down to the Chalet Gallery for a look. Some very good works of art.
At 5:30 down to the river for more Platypus viewing with some good video from the waterproof camera that cost us $50!!!!!!.
Day 25 Dam Good Drive (Lake Tinaroo)       85 km
We woke to clouds today and as we were packing for the drive it actually started to rain. This means it is the 3rd day so far we have had rain (but 2 of these were very light showers).
We left the cottage at 9:15 and headed along the road to Cairns. We are only 65 km or so from Cairns but the weather is completely different. At Cairns we had a sheet only and the window open. Here the windows are closed and we have sheet and doona!!
Once we turned off the main road the showers stopped and did not come back at all. We had been told that Cathedral Fig Tree was better than Curtain Fig Tree (refer day 22). It is bigger than Curtain but they both have their own character.  A quick walk around and inside the tree and back to the car just as a coach of backpackers arrived (what timing).

From here it was on to the gravel road and a stop at Mobo Creek Crater. This crater was formed by a volcano and the creek flows over boulders and into a big crater. While Les was taking cascade shots Joy saw a platypus, and we both saw it again later. So that is 3 places we have seen platypus (or is that platypi?). At the end of the 600 metre circuit walk we came out onto the road and a sign saying the track was closed due to water & wind damage!!.

Morning tea was at ‘The Chimneys’ which is the remains of a ‘Soldier Settler Settlement’. Photo stop at Lake Euramoo (your-a-moo) and then a 1.5 km return walk along Kauri Creek.

Decided that Platypus Rock sounded like a good spot for lunch so went to the lookout first. It was a great lookout…..well back before the trees grew and completely covered any view. We had lunch by the lake/dam and saw have the well healed Grey Nomad travels…

Into Atherton to Macca’s but this time we checked first and the Wifi Internet is still not working so we headed back to Yungaburra for a quick shop for a few things we need for the next few days and then home to start some packing.
A spa before tea followed by some cheese and biscuits and then home-made hamburgers. Tomorrow we head into the true Queensland outback so a reasonably early night tonight as we would like to get away by 8:30 tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Buying Sunday papers for the "news"? Are you kidding?

    And these waterfall photos look REAL familiar! Check these out from 25 years ago!
